We want Cranbourne children to see learning a second language as fun! They will experience listening, speaking, reading and writing in contexts which make sense them to them and enable them to see French as a conversational language.
We teach French in timetabled lessons from Year 3, with opportunities to learn simple words and phrases also being used in Early Years and KS1.
In KS2 we use "The Primary French Project" which is a structured programme teaching conversational and written French through a variety of themes, whilst also providing clear progression through phonics, spelling and grammar. As it is a commercial scheme we can't reproduce all the materials here, but the map below shows you the teaching that is covered.
All children have access to our French lessons, with adaptations made where required for SEND children. These include, but are not limited to, scaffolding of tasks, changes to the way the children record their learning, and focussing on particular vocabulary.
Do want to have a go at learning a new language? Why not click on the link below? We use some of the games in school.