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The school day
The School Day
We deliver a 32.5 hour school week - 8.45am to 3.15pm from Monday to Friday.
If your child is unable to attend school please contact the school office first thing in the morning to report their absence - you can leave a message on our answering machine if it is before office hours.
Travelling to and from school
We actively encourage all in the school community to walk, cycle and scoot to school wherever possible. This avoids congestions in the road outside of the school and keeps all our children safer. We would encourage all cyclists to wear a helmet.
If you do need to drive, please be considerate of our neighbours, never blocking driveways, nor parking too close to junctions. It is an offence to park on the zigzags - please do not park or stop to drop off children here.
If you or your child are disabled we can arrange for you to use the school car park. Please come and talk to the school office team.
Morning Drop Off
The school gates will be opened at 8.35am. Children in reception and year 1 go straight to their classrooms to line up. Years 2, 3 and 4 line up in the playground nearest the shops, and years 5 and 6 in the front playground. The gates are locked at 8:45. Any children coming in after this time will need to use the main entrance and will need to be signed in by a parent.
Timings of the School Day
8.35 am to 8.45 am arrival for core school day
Gates open at 3:10 for a 3.15 pm pick up for all year groups. Arrangements for pick up are in the same playgrounds as drop off, except that siblings go to the collection point of the youngest child in the family.