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Cranbourne Primary School

I am delighted to welcome you to the Cranbourne Website. We are enormously proud of our school. I have the pleasure of leading an excellent team of teaching and support staff, all of whom are committed to providing the very best school experience possible for every Cranbourne child...
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@TheCranbourne - May 3
Well done to the football team who battled on through the rain. The B team narrowly missed out on the final and the A team secured 1st place!
@TheCranbourne - May 3
Well done to the Cranbourne netballers who played amazingly this morning, despite the weather not being ideal!
@TheCranbourne - May 2
Year 4 had great fun making bread rolls yesterday.
@TheCranbourne - April 30
Congratulations to these fab mathematicians for their performance in the Hertfordshire Y4 Maths Challenge!
@TheCranbourne - April 25
Year 2 are having a wonderful time learning about some very old planes, buses and cars!
@TheCranbourne - April 25
Year 2 are loving their trip to the Shuttleworth Collection, seeing lots of the inventions we’ve been learning about.
@TheCranbourne - April 18
A fantastic display from the football b team yesterday! They worked incredibly well as a team to secure 2nd place in their tournament.
@TheCranbourne - April 18
Year 1 have been learning to touch type today. You can play this game at home by searching ‘ Dance mat typing’.
@TheCranbourne - April 17
Y3 enjoyed taste testing pizza toppings, so they can plan their creations next week. The children were courageous & tried so many things! What’s YOUR favourite topping?#pizza
@TheCranbourne - March 28
Year one have enjoyed a morning learning about Easter and different celebrations.
@TheCranbourne - March 27
Year 2 have had a great morning sawing dowels to make axles for our moving vehicles!
@TheCranbourne - March 25
Frog spawn has arrived!
@TheCranbourne - March 22
We were very proud of our netball teams yesterday for their great games at the tournament. 4th place for A team and 1st place for B team - well done!
@TheCranbourne - March 22
Busy day in year 1- making fruit salads and then calming yoga.
@TheCranbourne - March 14
Well done to the Football A team for coming 3rd in their group!
@TheCranbourne - March 13
As part of our ‘People who help us’ topic, Reception had a visit from Little City. We loved being hairdressers, vets, doctors, builders and lots more! Ask us what we would like to be when we grow up!
@TheCranbourne - March 13
Thank you so much to everyone who supported our book fair. We took £1200 which means that, thanks to your generosity, we have £600 in commission to spend on books for school. 📚
@TheCranbourne - March 11
Lots of subitising happening in Reception today! Thank you parents for coming.
@TheCranbourne - March 8
was fantastic! The children looked great as cats & aliens and we all enjoyed working with the book Mr Wuffles by David Wiesner.Have a look at the English page of the school website for a video of some of the day’s activities!
@TheCranbourne - March 5
A super parent lesson in reception this morning. Learning about subitising using dice. Thank you for coming 😊