Our geography curriculum is based around the key theme that "geography shapes human lives, and human lives shape geography". Within it we have built in concepts such as climate change, landscape formation, population, resources and diversity. We are living in an ever complex world and believe that children need to have a solid understanding of the inter-connection between the natural and human worlds, and their place within this.
Children learn increasingly complex vocabulary, which enables them not only to describe the world and natural phenomena, but also to debate global issues.
Geographical skills such as observation and mapwork are developed systematically, with practical hands-on experiences and fieldwork.
Geography is the epitome of our "broadening horizons" ethos.
All children are taught the full curriculum, with adaptations made where required for SEND children. These include, but are not limited to, scaffolding of tasks, changes to the way the children record their learning, and focussing on particular key skills and concepts.
You can see our full curriculum in the links below.
Early years links to the geography curriculum
Cranbourne Year 1 geography curriculum
Cranbourne Year 2 geography curriculum
Cranbourne Year 3 geography curriculum
Cranbourne Year 4 geography curriculum
Cranbourne Year 5 geography curriculum
Cranbourne Year 6 geography curriculum